Double Dare Wiki

The following is a list of the 266 episodes from the original 1986-1988 run of Double Dare. Many of the original airdates and episode orders are lost to time, so we've done our best to recreate the correct episode order based on the order used by Paramount Plus and information from tape trader lists. With some exceptions (such as episode 1), this appears to be the production order, as opposed to the airing order. These episode orders are not meant to be considered fully accurate, and airdates/tape dates have been provided when available. Each tape date usually had four or five episodes (normally four) recorded, though they would sometimes do two or three.

According to an article that appeared in the February 17, 1988 issue of Daily Variety, it said that “Nickelodeon is producing 130 new half-hours for syndication in addition to the 170 half-hours that already are in the cable service's inventory.” However, it's unclear exactly how they got to 170 pre-Syndication episodes, assuming this statement is correct, since most sources have stated that the weekly run of Super Sloppy Double Dare (1987-1988) had 26.

While this version of the show aired in first-run over the span of 4 years, there were 3 separate groups of tapings. There were two seasons of 65+ episodes, and one season of 130 episodes: The original September 1986 batch (season 1), a set taped in 1987 (season 2), and one extended taping session from 1988 (Season 3A/B).[1] It was confirmed in an email exchange with Double Dare audio engineer John V. Krepol in 2021 that the 130 (known) episodes for 1988 were all taped together, despite some changes in production happening halfway through. Much of the crew (including Harvey) then moved on to Finders Keepers, which also taped at WHYY.

Several sources have also said that the initial WHYY tapings were numbered at 65, so there may be a numbering error as well, meaning all episodes are accounted for. 70 could be the actual number, however, based on Marc saying on the first taping of Season 2 that that was the first time he did it without the cards in 71 shows.

Series Overview[]

Season Episodes Tape Location Tape dates Season Premiere Eps. Avail on P+
1 70 WHYY, Philadelphia September 18-October 17, 1986 October 6, 1986 62
2 66 WHYY, Philadelphia 1987 February 5, 1987 62
3 130 WHYY, Philadelphia 1988 February 22, 1988 122
TOTALS 266 246


Season 1 (1986-87)[]

Recorded at WHYY-TV Studios in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from September to October 1986.[2]

# Image Title Prod. code P+ Number Taped/Aired
1 Double Dare (1986) - Express vs. High Flyers "Express (Stuart & Mary) vs. High Flyers (Paul & Bethany)" 001A N/A Taped: September 18, 1986

Aired: October 10, 1986

First taped episode. Only episode taped that day. Source of the "Nightmare incident". This episode was never rerun on Nick GaS, and is not available on Paramount +.
2 DD001 "Raiders (Chris & Becky) vs. Mets (Lisa & Neil)" 002H 001 Taped: October 1, 1986
Frequently used by Nickelodeon as a single episode in special instances when they air one episode. In spite of the production code, circumstantial evidence suggests that this episode was taped on the same day as 026H-029H. Two promotional consideration plugs were added long after 1987.
3 DD002 "Hamsters (Melissa & Heather) vs. Destroyers (Billy & Ronnie)" 003B 002 Taped: September 23, 1986[3]
Two teams compete in new, messy challenges of classic games, the water balloon and egg toss! However, in this high scoring game, one team pulls ahead and earns them a shot at the obstacle course.
4 DD003 "SpazBalls (Scott & Cinda) vs. Stooges (Marty & Kelly)" 004B 003 Taped: September 23, 1986
Dollar signs on scoreboards! One kid curses after a wrong answer.
5 DD004 "Psychos (Mike & Kim) vs. Punks (Corey & Nicole)" 005B 004 Taped: September 23, 1986
Dollar signs on scoreboards!
6 DD005 "Tricksters (Helena & Jeremy) vs. Mad Hatters (Brooke & Brian)" 006C 005 Taped: September 24, 1986
Dollar signs on scoreboards!
7 DD006 "Dynamics (Russ & Jen) vs. Psychedelics (Alex & Christy)" 007C 006 Taped: September 24, 1986
Dollar signs on scoreboards!
8 DD007 "Dynamite Duo (Russ & Bridgette) vs. Odd Couple (Brian & Michelle)" 008C 007 Taped: September 24, 1986
Dollar signs on scoreboards! Opening stunt takes FOREVER.
9 DD008 "Bundys (Nick & Chad) vs. Mind Benders (Michelle & Audrey)" 009C 008 Taped: September 24, 1986
Dollar sign scoreboards!
10 DD009 "Hatters (D.J. & Louise) vs. Jaguars (Chad & Jennifer)" 010D 009 Taped: September 25, 1986
Judging by the reaction this is the first filmed obstacle course win. Producer Geoffrey Darby can be seen in the background after the win, hugging Harvey as if to say "finally". Scoreboards are now lower and the dollar signs are replaced by the DD logos. This episode is also available at the UCLA Film & Television Archive.
11 DD010 "Swatches (Marc & Shannon) vs. Headrooms (Chris & Jen)" 011D 010 Taped: September 25, 1986
12 DD011 "Nuts (Becky & Jim) vs. Daredevils (Tammy & Steve)" 012D 011 Taped: September 25, 1986
13 DD012 "Raiders (Patty & Sean) vs. Rams (Justin & Amber)" 013D 012 Taped: September 25, 1986
14 DDmissing014 "Extraordinaires (Dion & Lois) vs. Challengers (Billy & Michelle) " 014E N/A Taped: September 26, 1986
Only 5 minutes are known to exist. This episode was never rerun on Nick GaS, and is not available on Paramount +.
15 DD013 "Bengals (Rob & Tammy) vs. Wizards (Zachary & Tiffany)" 015E 013 Taped: September 26, 1986

Aired: October 6, 1986

Premiere episode.
16 DD014 "Untouchables (Louis & Soskia) vs. Double Trouble (Christine & Rocko)" 016E 014 Taped: September 26, 1986
17 DD015 "Raiders (Dave & David) vs. Dynamics (Kate & Tanya)" 017E 015 Taped: September 26, 1986
18 DD016 "Bandits (Jill & Steve) vs. Masters (Robert & Jennifer)" 018F 016 Taped: September 27, 1986
19 DDmissing019 "Beamers (Bill 1 & Bill 2) vs. Navigators (Kelly & Tracy)" 019F N/A Taped: September 27, 1986

Aired: January 27, 1987

Season 1 finale. This episode was never rerun on Nick GaS, and is not available on Paramount +. This episode surfaced in a trade in February 2023, and was eventually posted to the Internet Archive in April. This episode never reran due to Kelly getting hurt on the Sundae Slide.
20 DD017 "Poppers (Steven & Berry) vs. Breakers (Keith & Jamie)" 020F 017 Taped: September 27, 1986
21 DD018 "Dodgers (Chris & Lisa) vs. Crusaders (Jeff & Melanie)" 021F 018 Taped: September 27, 1986
This episode has the record for the fastest Obstacle Course on the original show with 16 sec. left
22 DD019 "Knights (David & Mandy) vs. Giggles (Tim & Mia)" 022G 019 Taped: September 30, 1986
23 DD020 "Devils (Adam & Brahim) vs. Mashers (Remy & Adena)" 023G 020 Taped: September 30, 1986
24 DD021 "Geeks (Brian & Chris) vs. Nerds (Dana & Bill)" 024G 021 Taped: September 30, 1986
Sometimes mislabeled as "S2-E1"
25 DDmissing N/A 025G 022 Taped: September 30, 1986
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order. Though not officially confirmed, it's possible this episode was the source of the balloon stomp opening toss-up in Round 1 as seen in early promos for the show; it was in Round 2 in #024G.
26 DD023 "Cougars (Maynard & Natalie) vs. Cheetahs (Lori & Brad)" 026H 023 Taped: October 1, 1986
Sometimes mislabeled as "S2-E3"
27 DD024 Cobras (Joe & Mike) vs. Bears (Tina & Heather) 027H 024 Taped: October 1, 1986
28 DD025 "Panthers (Dawn & Louis) vs. Loopers (Liz & Jeff)" 028H 025 Taped: October 1, 1986
Sometimes mislabeled as "S2-E5"
29 DD026 "Whiz Kids (Matt & Megan) vs. Eliminators (Chrissy & Charles)" 029H 026 Taped: October 1, 1986
30 DD027 "Wildcats (Adrian & Jonas) vs. Rockers (Nate & Sheilah)" 030I 027 Taped: October 2, 1986
Sometimes mislabeled as "S2-E7". This episode has the second highest amount ever with $490.
31 DD028 "Ron Jons (Greg & Derek) vs. Ramettes (Cathi & Anne)" 031I 028 Taped: October 2, 1986
32 DD029 "Prosecutors (Chris & Valerie) vs. Avengers (Danielle & Matt)" 032I 029 Taped: October 2, 1986
33 DD030 "Whippets (David & Amanda) vs. Pinheads (Carl & Michele)" 033I 030 Taped: October 2, 1986
This is the first episode to introduce the house minimum of $50.
34 DD031 "Warriors (John & Jeff) vs. Cheetahs (Kristen & Susan)" 034J 031 Taped: October 3, 1986
The opening theme song is now played with the 0:05-0:18 portion skipped, and would remain this way until the end of the 1987 run of Super Sloppy Double Dare. Before, it was played with the 0:10-0:13 portion skipped.
35 DD032 "Phantoms (Mark & Dana) vs. Panthers (Stephanie & Andy)" 035J 032 Taped: October 3, 1986
36 DD033 "K.A.s (Alia & Adam) vs. Cruisers (Eric & Jessica)" 036J 033 Taped: October 3, 1986
37 DD034 "Sheckers (Jonathan & Michelle) vs. Braniacs (Stephanie & Joey)" 037J 034 Taped: October 3, 1986
38 DDmissing038 "Terminators (Pat & Natalie) vs. Falcons (Matt & Alana)" 038K N/A Taped: October 4, 1986

Aired: October 30, 1986

Episode resurfaced on YouTube on September 13, 2023, courtesy of Matt Anderson, one of the contestants. This episode was never rerun on Nick GaS, and is not available on Paramount +. This episode most likely never reran due to Marc throwing out a question despite the Terminators giving the right answer. Had their answer been incorrect, the Falcons would have won the show.
39 DD035 "Quackers (Chris & Jennifer) vs. Energizers (John & Melissa)" 039K 035 Taped: October 4, 1986
40 DD036 "Indians (Erin & Adam) vs. Braves (Bobby & Hillary)" 040K 036 Taped: October 4, 1986
41 DD037 "Prep Boys (Kevin & Rich) vs. Slimes (Nikki & Traci)" 041K 037 Taped: October 4, 1986
42 DD038 "Dipsticks (Jen & Beef) vs. Airheads (Chris & C.B.)" 042L 038 Taped: October 7, 1986
43 DDmissing N/A 043L 039 Taped: October 7, 1986
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order. Though not officially confirmed, it's possible this episode was the source of the clips of the two girls attempting a couple of Physical Challenges that involved getting something past the line; both of them were shown in the The Messiest Moments and How to Throw a Double Dare Party tapes respectively. In addition, the latter showed a clip from the stuffed balloons toss up in Round 1; it was in Round 2 in #042L.
44 DD040 "Fantastics (Nicole & Matt) vs. Knights (Kevin & Heather)" 044L 040 Taped: October 7, 1986
45 DD041 "Village People (Ophelia & Shawn) vs. Falcons (Jenny & Brian)" 045L 041 Taped: October 7, 1986
46 DD042 "Fabulous T-Birds (Mike & Erin) vs. Pickle Heads (Tracy & John)" 046M 042 Taped: October 8, 1986
47 DD043 "High Fives (RaShawn & Bob) vs. Invincibles (Gabby & Matt)" 047M 043 Taped: October 8, 1986
48 DD044 "Radsters (Jeff & Lisa) vs. Dizzies (Elizabeth & David)" 048M 044 Taped: October 8, 1986
49 DD045 "Psychedelics (Brian & Krissy) vs. Bodacious Befreckled Bears" 049M 045 Taped: October 8, 1986

Aired: December 31, 1986

50 DD046 "Devastation Combination (Darren & Sandy) vs. Terrible Twos (Helene & Paul)" 050N 046 Taped: October 9, 1986
51 DD047 "Panthers (Irvin & Shaunda) vs. No Names (Colleen & John)" 051N 047 Taped: October 9, 1986
"Another Maynard"
52 DD048 "Whatchamacallits (Mary Ellen & Fred) vs. Airheads (Nicole & Jon)" 052N 048 Taped: October 9, 1986
53 DD049 "Young Ones (Ed & Stephanie) vs. Turkeys (Joe & Michelle)" 053N 049 Taped: October 9, 1986
54 DD050 "Apaches (Melissa & Brad) vs. Bulldogs (Kevin & Laurel)" 054P 050 Taped: October 10, 1986
This is the first episode to introduce the official house minimum of $100. The episode also features the highest and lowest scores during the original run of Double Dare($530-$20)
55 DD051 "Equalizers (Sharon & Brad) vs. Weirdos (Alicia & Michael)" 055P 051 Taped: October 10, 1986[4]
Aired: December 5, 1986[4]
56 DD052 "Conquerors (Tim & Kelly) vs. Warriors (Candy & Josh)" 056P 052 Taped: October 10, 1986

Aired: December 16, 1986

57 DD053 "Achievers (Megan & Troy) vs. Chiefs (Kelly & Troy)" 057P 053 Taped: October 10, 1986
58 DD054 "Crazy Crack-Ups (Matt & Cas) vs. Wrecking Crew (Courtney & Kristen)" 058Q 054 Taped: October 14, 1986
Twins Day
59 DDmissing N/A 059Q 055 Taped: October 14, 1986
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order. It's highly possible the footage of a teammate getting the flag at The 1-Ton Human Hamster Wheel with 2 seconds remaining, as seen in this promo, came from this episode.
60 DD056 "Eagles (Nicole & Chris) vs. Care Bears (Bill & Missy)" 060Q 056 Taped: October 14, 1986
61 DD057 "Hillbillies (Christy & Bernard) vs. Patriots (Katie & Jay)" 061Q 057 Taped: October 14, 1986
62 DD058 "Comets (Johanna & Daniel) vs. Blue Hawks (Judy & Chris)" 062R 058 Taped: October 15, 1986

Aired: October 17, 1986

63 DDS1X1 "Goobers (Chris & Alicia) vs. Raisinettes (Robert & Emily)" 063R 059 Taped: October 15, 1986
This episode was never rerun on Nick GaS, and is not available on Paramount +. The reason for this is unclear, but it may have been due to the outdated address of contestant coordinator Carol Levitt being displayed on screen when Marc brought her out on stage during the Obstacle Course briefing.
64 DD060 "Monkeys (Molly & Julie) vs. Lions (Michael & Neil)" 064R 060 Taped: October 15, 1986

Aired: December 22, 1986[5]

Taped the sometime between October 12-18, 1986.[6]
65 DD061 "Sportsters (Deena & Mike) vs. Rebels (Jason & Karen)" 065R 061 Taped: October 15, 1986

Aired: January 2, 1987[5]

Taped the sometime between October 12-18, 1986.[6]
66 DD062 "AJs (John & Amy) vs. Stooges (Jesse & Hope)" 066M 062 Taped: October 8, 1986
In spite of the production code, circumstantial evidence suggests that this episode was taped on the same day as 046M-049M.
67 DD063 "Corncobs (Chris & Colleen) vs. Ghouls (Chris & Kelly)" 067N 063 Taped: October 9, 1986

Aired: October 31, 1986

Halloween Episode. In spite of the production code, circumstantial evidence suggests that this episode was taped on the same day as 050N-053N.
68 DD064 "Mod Balls (Tom & Kate) vs. Pigskins (David & Susie)" 068S 064 Taped: October 17, 1986
69 DD065 "Razzles (Alisa & Brian) vs. Griswolds (Corey & R.E.)" 069S 065 Taped: October 17, 1986

Aired: December 25, 1986

Christmas episode, where parents help their kids.
70 DD066 "Pop Tarts (Stacy & Eric) vs. Potato Heads (Matthew & April)" 070S 066 Taped: October 17, 1986

Season 2 (1987)[]

# Image Title Prod. code P+ Number Taped/Aired
71 DD067 "Sci Guys (Sybil & Bret) vs. Two Amigos (Alissa & Han)" 071S 067 1987
72 DD068 "Panthers (Donna & Tom) vs. Tagger Tigers (Richard & Crissy)" 072S 068 Aired: February 9, 1987
Different font for questions & credits (episode 2?)
73 DDmissing073 N/A 073T N/A 1987
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order. There is a very strong possibility that this photo is from that episode, because most of the photos taken during the second season were from this session.
74 DD069 "Frantic Furors (Dana & Jeff) vs. Vultures (Joe & Michelle)" 074T 069 1987
75 DD070 "Dynamic Duo (Kris & Don) vs. Thrashers (Megan & Jason)" 075T 070 1987
76 DD071 "Terrible Twos (Jon & Nikki) vs. Hurricanes (John & Kelly)" 076T 071 1987
77 DD072 "U.S. Express (Barry & Salima) vs. Beach Bums (Brian & Christy)" 077U 072 1987
Question font changes. This episode has the highest score this season with $470.
78 DDmissing078 Munchkins (Kevin & Melissa) vs. Burgers (Carmelita & Juan) 078U N/A Taped: 1987
Aired: February 16, 1987
This episode was never rerun on Nick GaS, and is not available on Paramount+.
79 DD073 "The Terrible Twosome (Carrie & Tom) vs. The Lions (Jason & Chrissy)" 079U 073 1987
80 DD074 "Titans (Tanya & Mike) vs. No-Names (Todd & Mattie)" 080U 074 1987
81 DD075 "Stooges (Janine & Chris) vs. Seismic Gumballs (Mark & Gretchen)" 081V 075 1987
82 DD076 "Raiders (JP & Kristen) vs. Speed and Greed (Mike & Amy)" 082V 076 1987
Marc jumps in the tank!
83 DD077 "Mustangs (Colleen & Jason) vs. Hornets (Scott & Cindy)" 083V 077 1987
84 DD078 "Wildcats (Peter & Alexis) vs. Mighty Midgets (Mary & Billy)" 084V 078 Aired: February 14, 1987
Valentine's Day Special. Aired on a Saturday.
85 DD079 "Falcons (Danny & Amy) vs. Sweathogs (LaTanya & Mike)" 085W 079 Aired: February 5, 1987
Season 2 premiere.
86 DD080 "Gargoyles (Chantal & Tim) vs. Griswolds (Brian & Terri)" 086W 080 Aired: February 11, 1987
Marc misses the end-of-round-1 buzzer!
87 DD081 "Gumbies (Rachel & Bob) vs. Red Devils (Niki & Eric)" 087W 081 1987
88 DD082 "Rams (Leslie & Steven) vs. Timmels (Nancy & Brian)" 088W 082 1987
Two questions have misspellings!
89 DD083 "Pros (Liz & Steve) vs. Brat Pack (Jessica & Sean)" 089X 083 1987
Marc talks to the audience...and embarasses himself in the process.
90 DD084 "Whatchamacallits (Len & Jennifer) vs. Dream Team (Troy & Dina)" 090X 084 1987
91 DD085 "Cougars (Curt & Kim) vs. Whodunits (Trissa & Shamus)" 091X 085 1987
92 DDmissing N/A 092X N/A 1987
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order. Either #092X or #105AA was the source of Harvey as the Wild Oats Man that was seen in Double Dare: The Inside Slop.
93 DD086 "The How Abouts (Eli & Rachel) vs. The Bone & Biscuits (Dana & Ryan)" 093X 086 1987
94 DD087 "Party Animals (Cliff & Nikki) vs. Dragons (Frasier & Stacy)" 094CC 087 1987
Strangely enough, this and the next three episodes, lack any audience shots during the break to and return from commercial, not to mention arbitrary obstacle course layouts are present, suggesting that these four in question may have been finished on later dates. 94 and 97's are similar to 112-115's, while 95's is similar to 107-110's, and 96's is similar to 120-123's.
95 DD088 "Stud Muffins (Kelly & Frank) vs. Unique Duo (Noelle & John)" 095Y 088 1987
96 DD089 "Alternates (Holly & Chris) vs. Home Slices (Gina & George)" 096Y 089 1987
97 DD090 "Square Pegs (TC & Liz) vs. Twin Towers (John & Joe)" 097Y 090 1987
98 DD091 "Killer Ricecakes (Andy & Kelly) vs. Terminators (Ryan & Tara)" 098Z 091 Taped: February 10, 1987

Aired: February 12, 1987

99 DD092 "Stars & Stripes (Marcy & Kirk) vs. Urban Lunchmeat (David & Meredith)" 099Z 092 Taped: February 10, 1987
100 DD093 "Moonlighters (Kelly & Paul) vs. Lakers (Krista & Duffy)" 100Z 093 Taped: February 10, 1987
101 DD094 "Run UMS (Lauren & Jim) vs. Radioactive Beanstalks (Nicole & James)" 101Z 094 Taped: February 10, 1987
102 DD095 "Renegade Professors on Wheels (Jill & Chris) vs. Defending Aces (Dorothy & Dan)" 102AA 095 1987
This episode has the fastest Obstacle Course this season with 13 sec. left
103 DD096 "Psychedelic Leeches (Bill & Heather) vs. Blazers (Cathy & Nicky)" 103AA 096 1987
Marc's name is misspelled in the credits!
104 DD097 "Wilburs (Kirsten & Kurt) vs. Stunods (Anne & Scott)" 104AA 097 1987
105 DDmissing N/A 105AA N/A 1987
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order. Either #092X or #105AA was the source of Harvey as the Wild Oats Man that was seen in Double Dare: The Inside Slop. A clip of one of the teammates trying to dive under the Slime/Breakfast Canal with 27 seconds on the clock that was shown in promos came from this episode.
106 DD098 "Generals (Suzie & Salah) vs. Mumbos (Brad & Cindy)" 106AA 098 1987
107 DD099 "Barbarians (Alix & Jake) vs. Psychiatrists (Dave & Jen)" 107BB 099 1987
108 DD100 "Jetsons (Andrea & Josh) vs. Dynamic Duo (Eric & Jamie)" 108BB 100 1987
Marc forgets to give the right answer to a question! Plus, he gets pied in the face!
109 DD101 "Know it Alls (Megan & Tate) vs. Greyhounds (Chad & Shannon)" 109BB 101 1987
110 DD102 "Giggling Goonies (Joy and Lamarr) vs. Pink Panthers (Susan and Steve)" 110BB 102 Aired: February 10, 1987
111 DD103 "Potato Head Kids (Greg & Jill) vs. Tomato Killers (Anna & Ryder)" 111HH 103 Taped: February 20, 1987[7]
Back-to-School Special. In spite of the production code, circumstantial evidence (particularly the studio audience) suggests that this episode was taped on the same day as 134HH-136HH.
112 DD104 "Cosmic Kids (Alicia & Neil) vs. Party Animals (Yolanda & Will)" 112CC 104 1987
Due to the Sewer Chute not working, the team was given the 4th prize.
113 DD105 "Squawkers (Jen & Dan) vs Two Stooges (Jamal & Anitra)" 113CC 105 1987
GREAT contestant interviews, and a Home Viewer Physical Challenge is used!
114 DD106 "Chippewas (Wendy & Brian) vs. Artifacts (Maureen & Justin)" 114CC 106 1987
115 DD107 "Determinators (Tracy & Vanessa) vs. Unsinkables (Kelly & Joe)" 115CC 107
Harvey jumps in the tank!
116 DD108 "Lucky Dogs (Erin & Gretchen) vs. Money Hungry Team (Matt & Bobby)" 116DD 108 Taped: February 16, 1987[8]
The teams were the winners from auditions held in Richmond, VA and San Diego, CA. The show donated an amount equal to the money the winners won to a charity of their choice.
117 DD109 "Guests (Gina & Christine) vs. Untouchables (Gordon & Josh)" 117DD 109 Taped: February 16, 1987[9][10]
Aired: March 13, 1987[11]
The teams were the winners from auditions held in Austin, TX and Phoenix, AZ. The show donated an amount equal to the money the winners won to a charity of their choice.
118 DD110 "Dare Devils (Erin & Adam) vs. MC's (Erica & Cisco)" 118DD 110 Taped: February 16, 1987[12][13][14]
Aired: March 19, 1987[15]
The teams were the winners from auditions held in Indianapolis, IN and Tulsa, OK. The show donated an amount equal to the money the winners won to a charity of their choice. Studio master tape had been previously posted on YouTube courtesy of John Krepol.
119 DD111 "Space Cadets (Suzanne & Maggie) vs. Bruins (Dan & John)" 119DD 111 Taped: February 16, 1987[16]
The teams were the winners from auditions held in Syracuse, NY and Norwalk, CT. The show donated an amount equal to the money the winners won to a charity of their choice.
120 DD112 "Morrison Maniacs (Anibal & Samantha) vs. Escaped Convicts (Brian & Shelley)" 120EE 112 Aired: February 17 or 18, 1987
An audience member does the rules!
121 DD113 "Poison (Mike & Nancy) vs. Record Breakers (Jack & Kaya)" 121EE 113 1987
122 DD114 "Spartans (Megan & Damon) vs. Fighting Irish (Corrinne & Jeff)" 122EE 114 1987
123 DD115 "Italian Stallions (Kristin & Tim) vs. Cougars (Denise & Mike)" 123EE 115 1987
124 DD116 "Wombats (Felecia & Eddie) vs. Waterbugs (Tiffany & Ben)" 124FF 116 1987
Marc celebrates memorizing the rules by ripping up the cue cards!
125 DD117 "Devastators (Lisa & Damon) vs. Fizzers (Jamie & Joanne)" 125FF 117 Aired: February 18 or 19, 1987
126 DD118 "Dominating Duo (Suzanne & Brian) vs. Boondoggles (Brita & Matt)" 126FF 118 1987
Harvey explains the rules!
127 DD119 "Steamrollers (Sheri & Okee) vs. Warriors (Nicke & Lauren)" 127FF 119 1987
128 DD120 "Crusaders (Christa & Andrew) vs. Sand Fleas (Cathy & Mark)" 128FF 120 1987
129 DD121 "Powerful Piranhas (Lori & Rashid) vs. Schlemiels (Deana & Michael)" 121 1987
130 DD122 "Goonbergs (John & Coco) vs. Eager Biebers (Ginger & Neil)" 122 1987
One prize plug added WAY after 1987.
131 DD123 "Cosmic Competitors (Kirsten & Jack) vs. Patriots (Tuari & Konada)" 123 1987
One promotional consideration plug edited in well after '87, unknown announcer
132 DD124 "Red Raiders (Mike & Jen) vs. Bulldogs (Jasmine & Rubin)" 124 1987
Chef Tel prepared all the food in the Obstacle Course!.
133 DD125 "Cures (Sonia & Jeremy) vs. Outsiders (Hilda & Nelson)" 125 1987
134 DD126 "Jaybirds (Joanna & Jim) vs. Peanuts (Kim & David)" 126 Taped: February 20, 1987
Aired: 1987
135 DD127 "Psychopathic Popcorn Balls (Audrey & Kevin) vs. Psychedelic Furs (Susan & Brian)" 135HH 127 Taped: February 20, 1987
Aired: October 16, 1987[17]
Repeat broadcasts were edited down to 20 minutes (as opposed to the usual 24).
136 DD128 "Fish Heads (Carly & Scott) vs. Schizophrenics (Deena & Corey)" 136HH 128 Taped: February 20, 1987
Aired: 1987
Presumably the final episode of 1987 season, though this is unconfirmed. Studio master tape had been previously posted on YouTube courtesy of John Krepol.

Season 3A (1988, first batch)[]

This batch was recorded at WHYY-TV Studios in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from January to February 1988.

# Image Title Prod. code P+ Number Taped/Aired
1 DD129 "Radioactive Overdeveloped Brains (Peter & Amy) vs. Winning Streaks (William & Lauren)" S001A 129 1988
First-taped Syndicated episode. Both teams now color-coded, assistants now wear gray, and an extra commercial break was added. The entire opening theme is now played, with nothing skipped.
2 DD130 "Seismic Zonkers (Greg & Jenna) vs. Brain Teasers (Kevin & Saema)" S002A 130 1988
3 DD131 "Wannabees (Jermaine & Kim) vs. Perfect Strangers (Chris & Melissa)" S003A 131 1988
4 DD132 "Jello Swirl Pops (Jenny & Jay) vs. Big Toes (Jamie & Matt)" S004A 132 1988
5 DD133 "Dream Warriors (Maria & Shaun) vs. Supersonic Brainstorms (Colleen & Dave)" S005A 133 1988
6 DD134 "Two Musketeers (Rick & Lea) vs. Thermonuclear Hostess Ding Dongs (William & Sherri)" S006B 134 1988
Uses a bunch of different fonts atypical to this season.
7 DD135 "Toasted Meatballs (Karen & Matt) vs. Renegade Rodents (Janel & Danion)" S007B 135 1988
This episode ties for the second highest score this season with $350.
8 DD136 "Crusaders (Lauren & Jerry) vs. Kermit Skyhoppers (Ray & Colleen)" S008B 136 1988
9 DD137 "Misfits (Jennifer & Billy) vs. Slimy Shish-Kabobs (Shawn & John)" S009B 137 1988
10 DD138 "Dynamite Dudes (Ken & Alissa) vs. Gold Canaries (Tyra & Amy)" S010C 138 Taped: January 26, 1988[18]
Aired: March 14, 1988[18]
11 DD139 "D^5 (Nathan & Melanie) vs. Maroon Canaries (Shelby & Julian)" S011C 139 Taped: January 26, 1988[18]
Aired: May 13, 1988[18]
This is the only episode in the original Double Dare to have 0 physical challenges (not including Toss-Ups). This wouldn’t happen again until 30 years later in the 2018 revival. This episode is also tied for the second highest score with $350.
12 DD140 "Wiz Kids (Ralph & Joanna) vs. Wrecking Two (Leticia & Matt)" S012C 140 Taped: January 26, 1988[19]
Aired: February 29, 1988[19]


"Slime Suckers (Shamika & Bill) vs. Wacky Wall Walkers (Jamie & Christina)" S013C 141 Taped: January 26, 1988[19]
Aired: April 11, 1988[19]
Different question font.
14 DD142 "Tacizzas (Sarah & Mike) vs. Blasters (Debbie & Billy)" S014D 142 1988
15 DD143 "Public Enemies (Joel & Sarah) vs. Gooberoids (Jane & Joe)" S015D 143 1988


"The Edge (Wendy & Ethan) vs. Hatters (Allison & Chris)" S016D 144 1988
A cameraman is knocked unconscious during the Obstacle Course.
17 DD145 "Shims (Shane & Kim) vs. Crazy Lightning Bolts (Erica & Chris)" S017D 145 1988
18 DD146 "Cruisers (Amy & Matthew) vs. Jammin' Jays (James & Janine)" S018E 146 1988
19 DD147 "Party Animals (Joey & Stacy) vs. Masters of Disaster (Chevette & David)" S019E 147 1988
20 DD148 "Dangerous Duo (Joanna & Danny) vs. Challengers (Kevin & Carla)" S020E 148 1988
21 DD149 "Psychopathic Peas (David & Danielle) vs. Dirty Destroyers (Susan & Mark)" S021E 149 1988
22 DD150 "Entrepreneurs (Anthony & Martin) vs. Egomaniacs (Jen & Sheryl)" S022F 150 Taped: January 29, 1988
23 DDmissing N/A S023F N/A Taped: January 29, 1988
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order.
24 DD151 "Raiding Graduates (Chris & Kara) vs. Troublemakers (Kenny & Amy)" S024F 151 Taped: January 29, 1988[20]
Aired: February 25, 1988[20]
25 DD152 "McCloskey's Mafia (Ginny & Jason) vs. In Orbit (Tara & Bob)" S025F 152 Taped: January 29, 1988[20]
Aired: April 14, 1988[20]
26 DD153 "Flying Vikings (Carl & Rebecca) vs. Odd Couple (Jamie & Chuck)" S026G 153 1988
27 DD154 "Ozones (Benjamin & Tracy) vs. Longshots (Kim & Jeff)" S027G 154 1988
28 DD155 "Smooth Cruisers (Maggie & Angelo) vs. Goofballs (Chip & Katie)" S028G 155 1988
29 DD156 "Go Go Goobers (Melissa & Kevin) vs. A.J. Connection (Jessica & Alan)" S029G 156 1988
This is the first episode to have the winning team finish with under $200.
30 DD157 "Head Bashers (Ben & Amy) vs. Busters (Mandy & Chris)" S030H 157 1988
Ben & Amy later went on to guest star in the Double Dare episode of The Goldbergs
31 DD158 "Head Hunters (John & Emily) vs. Boomers (Matt & Yari)" S031H 158 1988
This is the first episode where Round 2 consists of only 1 physical challenge & the round ends.
32 DD159 "Swiftees (Brandy & Dusty) vs. Wonderful Wiseguys (Scott & Courtney)" S032H 159 1988
33 DD160 "Rif Raffs (Sarah & Bret) vs. Gruesome Twosome (Tim & Cathy)" S033H 160 1988
Marc does a hilarious Elvis impression for the physical challenge!
34 DD161 "Blue Devils (Kay & Jeff) vs. Masterminds (Basami & Jerome)" S034I 161 1988
35 DD162 "Moon Crickets (Loretta & José) vs. Firing Squad (Lisa & Jonathan)" S035I 162 1988
36 DD163 "Prowling Panthers (Al & Yay) vs. Radical Warriors (Annette & Kevin)" S036I 163 1988
37 DD164 "Tortellinis (Cheryl & Matt) vs. Refills (Daria & Sung)" S037I 164 1988
38 DD165 "Fluffer Nutters (Colleen & Steve) vs. Bug People (Tom & Erica)" S038J 165 1988
39 DD166 "C.M.D.s (Angela & Rich) vs. Chompsters (Harold & Nicole)" S039J 166 1988
40 DD167 "Skyscrapers (Deanna & Joey) vs. Crushing Duo (Stacy & David)" S040J 167 1988
41 DD168 "Drens (Matt & Danette) vs. Strops (Tim & Carrie)" S041J 168 1988
42 DD169 "Hot Pink Penguins (Mike & Kelly) vs. Sewage Shooters (Zaquia & Jude)" S042K 169 1988
43 DD170 "Purple Platypuses (Andrea & Steve) vs. Dingdorks (Kate & Grant)" S043K 170 1988
44 DD171 "Thrashers (Karita & Paul) vs. Thunder Racers (Jonathan & Jill)" S044K 171 1988
45 DD172 "Thunder (Dori & Jesse) vs. Lightning (Dale & Chad)" S045K 172 1988
46 DD173 "Fat Oxen (Jordan & Sarah) vs. Cool Cobras (Dave & Shelley)" S046L 173 Taped: February 8, 1988
47 DD174 "Spuds (John & Leslie) vs. King Cobras (Jay & Emily)" S047L 174 Taped: February 8, 1988
48 DD175 "Sushis (Dave & Josh) vs. Salt & Pepper (Leslie & Amy)" S048L 175 Taped: February 8, 1988[21]
Aired: March 16, 1988[21]
49 DD176 "Earthquakes (Kevin & Holly) vs. Chocolate & Vanilla (Tim & Wendy)" S049L 176 Taped: February 8, 1988[21]
Aired: April 15, 1988[21]
50 DD177 "Cosmic Sparks (Sherry & Danny) vs. Slimey Worms (Scott & Priti)" S050M 177 Taped: February 9, 1988
51 DD178 "Slimeballs (Brian & Shirley) vs. Thunderwolves (Richard & Beth)" S051M 178 Taped: February 9, 1988
52 DD179 "Blue Barons (Kenny & Sharon) vs. Red Falcons (Chris & Allison)" S052M 179 Taped: February 9, 1988
53 DD191 "Smashed Bananas (Mike & Lisa) vs. Nutty Buddies (Mike & Denise)" S065Q 191 Taped: February 9, 1988
In spite of the production code, circumstantial evidence suggests that this episode was taped on the same day as S050-5052. The last taping of the first half was Posers vs. Green Slimes.
54 DD181 "Dynamic Force (Nina & Joey) vs. Ink Spots (Kamisha & Dave)" S054N 181 Taped: February 10, 1988
55 DD182 "Devastating Crew (Ron & Alicia) vs. Trash Compactors (Michelle & Jeff)" S055N 182 Taped: February 10, 1988
56 DD183 "Dirty Destroyers (Eric & Kristy) vs. Cooperative Kaotics (Eric & Wi)" S056N 183 Taped: February 10, 1988
57 DD184 "Nicks (Shelly & Chip) vs. Expressions (Jon & Kareen)" S057N 184 Taped: February 10, 1988
Marc meets Allen Funt from Candid Camera on the obstacle course!
58 DDmissing N/A S058P N/A Taped: February 11, 1988
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order.
59 DD185 "Couch Potatoes (Crissa & Mark) vs. Mischief Makers (Jill & Tom)" S059P 185 Taped: February 11, 1988[22]
Aired on 3/17/88, 4/1/88, or 5/18/88.[22]
60 DD186 "Donna’s Kids (Joel & Debbie) vs. Apaches (Terri & Joe)" S060P 186 Taped: February 11, 1988[22]
Aired on 3/17/88, 4/1/88, or 5/18/88. Third team from Conrad Middle School to compete that day.[22]
61 DD187 "Anthrax (Nicole & Chris) vs. Squid Squad (Wendy & Todd)" S061P 187 Taped: February 11, 1988[23]
Aired 4/26/88 or 5/20/88[23]. This episode has the highest score this season with $360.
62 DD188 "Psychedelic Maniacs (Sophia & Dave) vs. Mustachios (Dan & Vicki)" S062P 188 Taped: February 11, 1988[23]
Aired 4/26/88 or 5/20/88[23]
63 DD189 "Mad Mountaineers (Kate & Hao) vs. Chowderheads (Allen & Amy)" S063Q 189 Taped: February 12, 1988[24]
Aired: April 6, 1988[24]
Marc gets pelted with pies, and ends up with an amazingly loud jacket! Clip Shown in "The Inside Slop"
64 DD190 "Posers (Jennifer & Matt) vs. Green Slimes (Jennifer & Bill)" S064Q 190 Taped: February 12, 1988[24]
Aired: March 24, 1988[24]

Season 3B (1988, second batch)[]

# Image Title Prod. code P+ Number Taped/Aired
65 DD180 "Spunky Spartans (David & Susan) vs. Doflippies (Ryan & Marie)" S053M 180 Taped: February 12, 1988
First episode with redone music cues and glass blocks behind Marc's podium. In spite of the production code, circumstantial evidence suggests that this episode was taped on the same day as S066Q, and that only two episodes were taped on the first session for the second half.
66 DD192 "Deadheads (Mike & Danielle) vs. Freak Outs (Christine & Mike)" S066Q 192 Taped: February 12, 1988
67 DD193 "Chump Changes (Mary Ann & Vincent) vs. Chilly Chillers (Stephanie & Danny)" S067R 193 Taped: March 31, 1988
68 DD194 "Wackos (Kenny & Wendy) vs. Off The Walls (Frank & Chantel)" S068R 194 Taped: March 31, 1988
69 DD195 "Twin Trouble (Fanoola & Shavonne) vs. Copper Toppers (Mike & Becky)" S069R 195 Taped: March 31, 1988
70 DDmissing N/A S070R N/A Taped: March 31, 1988
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order.
71 DD196 "Belgian Waffles (Colleen & Derek) vs. K-Jen Spice (Karim & Jennifer)" S071S 196 1988
This episode has the most amount of thrown out questions in a round with 7.
72 DD197 "Dynamic Duo (Donna & Sherri) vs. Awesome Twosome (Jimmy & André)" S072S 197 1988
73 DD198 "Thunder & Lightning (Brian & Stephanie) vs. Frantastic Taramedics (Fran & Tara)" S073S 198 1988
74 DD199 "Dominating Duo (Becky & Steven) vs. Airborne Dictionaries (April & Steven)" S074S 199 1988
75 DD200 "Blue Slimers (Richard & Katrina) vs. Red Devils (Jamil & Katherine)" S075T 200 1988
76 DD201 "Eliminators (Chris & Jennifer) vs. Psychedelic Cream Team (Jamie & Sebastian)" S076T 201 1988
77 DD202 "Screaming Eagles (Tom & Helene) vs. Dream Team (Jerome & Carrie)" S077T 202 1988


Humongous Hippos (Matt & June) vs. Sweet Sensations (Nancy & LaShae)" S078T 203 1988
Marc sings the rules!
79 DD204 "Bob Cats (Stephanie & Michael) vs. Bionic Brussel Sprouts (Bev & Jeff)" S079U 204 1988
80 DD205 "Gyros (Tam & Jennifer) vs. Dictionairy Dudes (Tanya & Chris)" S080U 205 1988
81 or 82


"Barneys (Gary & Amy) vs. Wild Ones (Danny & Tara)" S081U or S082U 206 1988
82 or 81 DDmissing N/A S082U or S081U N/A 1988
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order.
83 DD207 "Screaming Meatballs (Kristin & Kieran) vs. Shamalama Ding Dongs (Joe & Crista)" S083V 207 1988
84 DD208 "Gruesome Twosome (Dennis & Marina) vs. Roaring High Tides (Harry & Lisa)" S084V 208 1988
85 DD209 "Wallbangers (John & Kathy) vs. Agitators (Trisha & Matt)" S085V 209 1988
86 DD210 "Rude Dudes (Mark & Sue) vs. Wiz Kids (Joe & Natalie)" S086V 210 1988
87 DD211 "Nuclear Puppies (Debbie & Anthony) vs. Red Hots (Janine & Rich)" S087V 211 1988
88 or 89 DD251 "Beach Bums (Amy & Ben) vs. Outrageous Ogres (John & Tammy)" S088W or S089W N/A 1988
This episode was never rerun on Nick GaS, and is not available on Paramount +. Its exact placement in terms of taping order is unclear.
89 or 88 DD212 "Peanut Gallery (Dave & Stephanie) vs. Bala Bashers (Brian & Morley)" S089W or S088W 212 1988
90 DD213 "Breakfast Club (Joe & Chris) vs. Snoozer Doozers (Sarba & Steve)" S090W 213 1988
91 DD214 "Other Team (Wit & Josh) vs. Live Wires (Darby & Jennifer)" S091W 214 Taped: April 1988[25][26]
Aired: November 1988[25]
This episode features two teams selected during an audition in Atlanta. They were flown to Philadelphia on 4/7/88,[25] making 4/8/88 the likely (though unconfirmed) taping date.
92 DD215 "Tremendous Two (Nina & Rich) vs. Slimy Shaders (Jude & Alice)" S092X 215 1988
93 DD216 "Silver Eagles (Leanne & Brian) vs. Jaguars (Rachel & Jason)" S093X 216 1988
94 DD217 "Slime Squad (Carol & Casey) vs. Jaw Breakers (Carrie & Derek)" S094X 217 1988
95 DD218 "Mechanical Messups (Nikki & Tommy) vs. Wild Weirdos (Allison & John)" S095X 218 1988
96 DD219 "Whippersnappers (Brian & Kiwana) vs. Psychotic Bananas (Justin & Nicole) " S096Y 219 1988
3D episode! This episode has the lowest winning score of the entire show with $140.
97 DDmissing N/A S097Y N/A 1988
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order.
98 DD220 "Pasta People (Adam & Nicole) vs. Ro Jos (Joanna & Roger)" S098Y 220 1988
Adam was later the Comic Book Geek on Beat the Geeks
99 DD221 "East-West Connection (Renee & Dan) vs. Two Wonders of the World (Kevin & Cynthia)" S099Y 221 1988
A salute to Hollywood Squares!
100 DDmissing N/A S100Y N/A 1988
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order.
101 DD222 "Crazy Critters (Marlena & Nafise) vs. Wonderbirds (Joy & Nick)" S101Z 222 1988
102 DD223 "Big Boppers (R.J. & Lisa) vs. Radical Raisins (Jessica & Raoul)" S102Z 223 1988
103 DD224 "Elite Evolution (Jimmy & Nicole) vs. Slime Balls (Chris & Brenda)" S103Z 224 1988
104 DD225 "Demolitions (D'Wan & Karen) vs. Energizers (Peter & Karen)" S104Z 225 1988
105 DD226 "Center Squares (Brian & Danielle) vs. Totally Tubular Twosome (David & Carrie)" S105AA 226 1988
106 DDmissing N/A S106AA N/A 1988
Unknown gap left in Paramount Plus order.
107 DD227 "Wit Pains (Greg & Monica) vs. Ghastly Goobers (Joy & Casey)" S107AA 227 1988
108 DD228 "Peacemakers (Shonda & Jamie) vs. Devils (Mark & Angela)" S108AA 228 1988
109 DD229 "Ultimate Two (Alicia & Lindy) vs. Flying Eyeballs (Ed & Carla)" S109AA 229 1988
Harvey reads the first question!
110 DD230 "Panthers (Jamie & Kevin) vs. Red Hot Redskins (Renée & Mike)" S110BB 230 1988
111 DD231 "Out of the Blue (Terry & Amy) vs. Vulcans (Steve & Sue)" S111BB 231 1988
This episode has the highest non-celebrity syndication total with $410.
112 DD232 "Swanky Fellows (Josh & Cara) vs. Flaming Envelopes (Steph & Calvert)" S112BB 232 1988
Marc wears a gum wrapper tie sent in by a fan! This episode holds the record for the most successful Double Dares with 4.
113 DD233 "Zucchini Misers (Maria & Tom) vs. Vipers (Stacy & Jeff)" S113BB 233 1988
Marc meets Frank Sinatra on the obstacle course!
114 DD234 "Money Munchers (Tina & Jerry) vs. Terminating Twosome (Dawn & Steve)" S114X 234 1988
In spite of the production code, circumstantial evidence suggests that this episode was taped on the same day as the last three episodes of SCW1.
115 DD235 "The DD Connection (David & Dana) vs. Screaming Eagles (Colleen & Dan)" S115Z 235 1988
In spite of the production code, circumstantial evidence suggests that this episode was taped on the same day as S101-S104.
116 DD236 "Bayside Bombers (Jerry Suprian & Amy) vs. Chargers (Josie Davis & Chris)" SCW1-1 236 1988
First episode of celebrity week #1
117 DD237 "High Voltage (Jerry Suprian & Mary Jo) vs. Radical Reds (Josie Davis & David)" SCW1-2 237 1988
118 DD238 "Pacers (Jerry Suprian & Adam) vs. Salt & Pepper  (Josie Davis & Angela)" SCW1-3 238 1988
119 DD239 "Digital Jitters (Jerry Suprian & Wendy) vs. Wall Street Journals (Josie Davis & Brian)" SCW1-4 239 1988
This episode is infamous due to it being the worst run in the show's history.

Only 1 prize was won due to the team never finding the flag in the Nose

120 DD240 "Crazy Critters (Jerry Suprian & Jen) vs. Burton Express (Josie Davis & Tony)" SCW1-5 240 1988
Final episode of celebrity week #1. This episode features the first-ever tie in the main game and both celebrities ran the obstacle course.
121 DD241 "Hollywood & Vine (Jeremy Miller & Kristen) vs. Wacky Weasels (Candace Cameron & Alex)" SCW2-1 241 Aired: September 12, 1988
First episode of celebrity week 2. Airing information verified here
122 DD242 "Lightning Bolts (Jeremy Miller & Kira) vs. Cream Puffs (Candace Cameron & Quentin)" SCW2-2 242 Aired: September 13, 1988
123 DD243 "Mobilizers (Candice Cameron & Shannon) vs. Chernobyl Children (Jeremy Miller & Brian)" SCW2-3 243 Aired: September 14, 1988
124 DD244 "Silly C's  (Candice Cameron & Candy) vs. Master Blasters (Jeremy Miller & Joey)" SCW2-4 244 Aired: September 15, 1988
125 DD245 "Chiselheads (Jeremy Miller & Tracy) vs. Collaborating Crusaders (Candice Cameron & Frank)" SCW2-5 245 Aired: September 16, 1988
Final episode of celebrity week #2. Both celebrities ran the obstacle course.
126 DD246 "California Sunbeamers (David Faustino & Bobbi Jean) vs. Super Sonics (Staci Keenan & Jamie)" SCW3-1 246 1988
First episode of celebrity week #3
127 DD247 "Dogit Crue (David Faustino & Jennifer) vs. Entrepreneurs (Staci Keenan & Eddie)" SCW3-2 247 1988
128 DD248 "Public Enemies (David Faustino & LaFia) vs. Illegal Eagles (Staci Keenan & Scott)" SCW3-3 248 1988
This episode has the highest score in the syndication run(including Super Sloppy Double Dare 1989) with $440.
129 DD249 "Chauvinists (David Faustino & Luis) vs. Feminists (Staci Keenan & Muffy)" SCW3-4 249 1988
130 DD250 "Hot Pursuit (David Faustino & Jennifer) vs. Spaghetti & Meatball (Staci Keenan & Mike)" SCW3-5 250 1988
Final episode of celebrity week #3, final episode of the original series. Final episode produced at WHYY. Both celebrities ran the obstacle course with Marc.


  1. Chad Mosher and Ryan Rinkleman,
  2. Production calendar courtesy of John Krepol.
  3. Kolson, Ann. "Trivia and whipped cream". The Philadelphia Inquirer, 24 Sep 1986, 1-E. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  4. 4.0 4.1 O'Kane, Connie. "Palmyra students set for sticky competition". The Philadelphia Inquirer, 8 Oct 1986, 20-BR. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  5. 5.0 5.1 "For 4 Gloucester City students, trivia pays". The Philadelphia Inquirer, 26 Oct 1986, 34-GL. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Kanaley, Reid. "Youngsters get a chance to takes a 'Double Dare'". The Philadelphia Inquirer, 23 Oct 1986, 5-M. Accessed 13 Oct 1986.
  7. Tape in John Krepol's collection
  8. "'Double Dare' auditions set on Wednesday". The Richmond Times-Dispatch, 10 Jan 1987, A-8. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  9. "Hey kids! Come try out for... Double Dare". The Arizona Republic, 7 Jan 1987, E8. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  10. Duncan, Theresa. "Contestants". Austin American-Statesman, 22 Jan 1987, Neighbors 2. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  11. "Best Bets". Austin American-Statesman, 13 Mar 1987, A28. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  12. "Hey kids! Come try out for... Double Dare!" The Tulsa World, 9 Jan 1987, B7. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  13. Inman, Julia. "On the Air". The Indianapolis Star, 13 Jan 1987, p. 23. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  14. Reilly, Joan. "Game show host from Indianapolis". The Indianapolis News, 16 Jan 1987, p. 8. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  15. Henniger, Paul. "TV Highlights". The Indianapolis Star, 19 Mar 1987, p. 26. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  16. "'Double Dare'". The Hour (Norwalk, CT), 5 Feb 1987, p. 34. Google News. Accessed 20 Sep 2023.
  17. "Double Dare. [No. 135, 1987-10-16] | 1 of 1 | 87020cyt". University of Georgia. April 30, 2019.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Funderburg, Anne. "Students dare to be on TV". The Compass (Cecil County, MD), 10 Mar 1988, p. 1. A
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Lentini, Cece. "Sweet victory for 6th-graders on game shows". The Courier-Post (South New Jersey), 14 Feb 1988, 1B. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Kennedy, Mike. "Daring kids are game for TV". Pottsville republican (Pottsville, PA), 1 Feb 1988, p. 17. Accessed 14 Oct 2023.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Frush, Charlie. "These kids dare to get icky, sticky, and gooey". The Philadelphia Inquirer, 17 Feb 1988, 4-BR. Accessed 13 Oct 2023.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Pilger, Carlton. "Conrad students compete on TV's 'Double Dare'". The Morning News (Wilmington, DE), 12 Feb 1988, B3. Accessed 14 Oct 1988.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Bove, Edward. "Road to prizes is a messy one, youngsters learn". The Daily Record (Morristown, NJ), 14 Mar 1988, C1. Accessed 14 Oct 2023.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Andrews, Connie. "Mount Penn sixth-graders accept a dare". The Reading Eagle, 6 Apr 1988, p. 35. Google News. Accessed 20 Sep 2023.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 McCarthy, Rebecca. "Girls make on a 'Double Dare'". The Atlanta Journal, 15 Apr 1988, 2D. Accessed 16 Oct 2023.
  26. Greppi, Michelle. "1,500 local fans 'Dare' to audition for children's game show". The Atlanta Constitution, 29 Mar 1988, 8F. Accessed 16 Oct 2023.